Tech Training Workshops - January 29th, 2025
11:00 - 5:00 Live training demos by industry professionals showcasing applied risk analytics using geospatial data.
Main Stage - January 30th, 2025
8:30 Registration & Breakfast
Breakfast Sponsor: Milliman
9:00 Welcome!
9:10 Morning Keynote: Hidden Concentrations of Physical Risk
9:40 Panel 1: Observations of Physical Risk - From Satellites to Social Media
What is considered data when it comes to signals about planetary conditions, weather, disruptions, and damage? In this panel, we explore a variety of data inputs and the industries that they inform.
10:20 Coffee Break 1 - Sponsored by Vantage Risk
10:40 Panel 2: Translation of Data to Domain
Candid conversation about the struggle to make data useful and deliver insights to the people who need it. This brave bunch have pivoted, upskilled, and crawled through the trenches to build products that meet their markets.
11:20 Coffee Break 2 - Sponsored by Atomic Maps
11:40 Panel 3: Portfolio Risk & Response - Assets, Finance, Insurance
Property investments are vulnerable to risks impacting structures, contents, displacements, and business interruption. Insurers, mortgage lenders, investors, home owners, business owners, and government all get caught in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Hear from experts handling these aggregate risks.
Lunch Break
Sponsored by The American Geographical Society & Geography 2050
1:00 Afternoon Keynote: Connecting the Dots with Geospatial Foundation Models
1:55 Coffee Break 3 - Sponsored by Vantage Risk
2:15 Panel 4: GeoAI - Managing Technical, Legal, Ethical Risks
Balance innovation with responsibility, ensuring GeoAI benefits society while minimizing harm and preserving trust in geospatial technologies. Experts will address the technical challenges, legal implications, and ethical concerns.
3:00 Breakout: Speed Networking v. Meditation
Breakouts sponsored by: New Light Technologies
4:00 Panel 5: Risk in Movement - Supply Chain, Event Tracking, Telemetry, & Logistics
Risks like weather are always on the move. Fixed assets move in and out of danger, and sometimes the assets themselves are traveling, bearing risk inherent to movement and intersections with extreme events. Hear perspectives of tracking assets and risks on the move.